Sat | Sep 28, 2024

Don't deny the unborn the right to life

Published:Monday | July 15, 2013 | 12:00 AM


I read Ronald Mason's Sunday Gleaner article 'Abortion - whose decision is it after all?' which was published on July 7, 2013. I beg to disagree.

Life begins at conception, and even non-Christians and scientists can attest to this fact. If we are to be an 'alive' people and an 'alive' civilisation, we need to respect this at all levels of life, from the first moment of creation until the moment of death and full initiation into Heaven.

Abortion and euthanasia destroy what it means to be truly human. It promotes a 'dead' human race, devoid of meaning and purpose in life, living solely for convenience and selfishness, bringing about an insecure and false happiness. True happiness lies in sacrifice for love of life, not death.

While "raising a child without a means to care adequately for him or her" does remain a sad problem, freedom to choose abortion is not the right answer. True, the woman has the freedom to choose, but what about her child? Does she really think she can solve everything by violating her child's right to life, no matter how difficult that life might be?

I'd just like to offer one more argument against abortion. If it is legalised, everyone will indulge more in casual sex. Why? Because they can get an abortion if anything 'goes wrong'. This is completely contrary to life and love in the truest sense. Not only does this directly promote and give way to loveless 'relationships', but it encourages the atrocity of murdering the unborn.