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Thursday talk

Published:Thursday | September 12, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Three Bs!

1. Some say it's laughable! Others say it's a work in progress, but those closest to the would-be power broker say it's the Three Bs, Initiative. They say this would cauterise the infighting and provide for a unified front and a face-saving way to prevent the Greenhouse from any further implosion.

'Backroom' in the hills!

2. When the mighty fall they do, and hard! They say reasons for her stringency and market-woman style bellicosity is the fact that while she boasts an address in the hills, in reality, she occupies a 'backroom'. Some say it's not first time either!

Gone so fast!

3. The saying a fool and her money are soon parted is the new chorus the neighbours have been singing for months now. Word is, the comely one won nearly forty million big ones in the lotto and went on a spending spree - new house, new SUV, new implants (butt, cheeks and chest), and a few overseas trips and lots of parties to announce that she had arrived. That was over three years ago. Neighbours say the well seems to have run dry, so the SUV is gone; electricity has been disconnected; new home is falling apart and now up for sale, and the children are no longer in the pricey uptown school.

Same old group

4. Political watchers are saying the failure of leadership is manifest when one looks at the current make-up and parliamentary core. They say two years have been long enough to have remodelled the party into a younger and more dynamic organisation, in keeping with the professed new-style management. They say some of the professional politicians should have been forced into retirement and a new and more relevant set of players recruited and installed.

Laughing stock

5. Friends say the claims by the publicity-hungry one, grossly disfigured by plastic surgery, to being 'royal' by injection, is as absurd as her claim to being a Hollywood celebrity! They say she's a laughing stock and mental case and should be locked up in the nuthouse!

Selective morality?

6. The opposition to the proposed investment is not going down well in some apolitical circles. They say the environment takes a battering every day by the business practices of some, and to date there's been never a word of condemnation. Some say it's a case of selective morality or 'parson christening him pickney first', or is it his cousins?