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A++ day and night soiree for Isiaa Madden

Published:Friday | December 27, 2013 | 12:00 AM
From left: Tameka Bryce, Keisha Baldie, and Neisha Bean share lens time at Isiaa Madden's midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock in Westmoreland last Friday night. - Photos by Janet Silvera
Birthday girl Isiaa Madden (right) and her godsister Maieka Saint-Albin at her midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock in Westmoreland last Friday night.
From left: Jennifer Tyndale, Georgia Robinson, and Tanya HoShue getting on bad at Isiaa Madden's midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock in Westmoreland last Friday night.
From left: Douglas and Arla Gordon and Richard and Nodishia Deenah at Isiaa Madden's midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock in Westmoreland last Friday night.
It's a family affair, baby! From left: Junior Madden and his wife, Rosie; Isiaa Madden and husband, Chescott Browne, at Madden's midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock in Westmoreland last Friday night.
From left: Zachary Harding, Lennox Lewis, Beenie Man and Douglas Gordon in a boxing mood at Isiaa Madden's midnight to noon 40th birthday party at Woodstock,Westmoreland, last Friday night.

Janet Silvera, Senior Gleaner Writer


It is easy to declare Isiaa Madden's 40th birthday party to be 'Party of the Year', even if you never attended all parties this year. Hands down, this takes the number one position! Why? There is absolutely nothing that can upstage a party held in the middle of a farm called Woodstock, which starts at midnight and ends at noon. Even more exciting, at noon, there were those who opted to stay until 2 p.m.

Held under the stars of the Westmoreland skies, between midnight until noon, this first-class production was supported by some of the country's best in the business.

Music: All genres of music were covered, but not just any DJ fit the cut, so, the cream of the crop included, DJ Bambino of Zip FM, Kurt Riley of FAME FM, and Junior 'Fattas' Madden of 'Madden FAME'.

Entertainment: Exactly as ordered by the musical doctor, the don of the dancehall, Beenie Man, delivered the right medicine. His scintillating performance was complemented by the newly crowned prince of the dancehall, Konshens. Despite trying to hold back, the deejay couldn't help himself and created waves, causing birthday girl Isiaa Madden to join him on the high beam.

Lights and stage: The indomitable John Swaby.

LED Screens: Phase 3 Productions.

Food: From Thought to Finish Jamento Production's Jacqui Tyson and her team served up some of the tastiest food this side of the hemisphere. From the fire, you had chicken, pork and lamb, (including suckling pig, mango-glazed pig's tail, and grilled lamb chops)

Jacqui's dutch pot - curried goat, mackerel run down, ackee and salt fish, plantain, and fried breadfruit.

Jacqui's flames: Live pasta stations with shrimp, jerked sausage, and omelettes.

Venue: Tyson and crew again. They took it from Isiaa Madden's idea and made it into her dream. She wanted razzle dazzle!

Social and mainstream media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, The Gleaner - where life unfolds!

People: Hundreds of the most awesome party people this country has produced in the same venue at the same time!
