Tue | Jun 25, 2024

Something Extra

Published:Friday | February 14, 2014 | 12:00 AM
Fashion designer Janel Jolly (left) is a sight for sore eyes as she joins her gal pal Rachel Radlein for a LOVEly photo op. - photos by Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer
Anne-Marie Stewart (centre) shares some motherly LOVE when she escorted her daughters Wayanne (left) and Alexan (right) to the soca fete at Cru on Tuesday.
Reggae Soul singer Mario Evon serenading the LOVEly Tshani Jaja, marketing Manager of Jamaica Yellow Page during a mini performance at the recent launch of Wedding Spectacular. - Rudolph Brown/Photographer
The beautiful ladies (From left) Debbie Bissoon, Face of Wedding Spectacular, Simone Walker Tracey Ann Chin and Tshani Jaja were armed with bright smiles as they spared a few minutes to show some LOVE to our lens. - Rudolph Brown/Photographer
Clearly in good company and high spirits, reggae soul singer Mario Evon, shares a joke with Tracey Ann Chin (left) and Cortia Bingham at the launch of Wedding Spectacular. - Rudolph Brown/Photographer
The smiling Shanique Palmer, marketing officer, Mayberry Investments, shows some LOVE to one of the DJs for the night, DJ Richie Ras.
Wine enthusiast and Gleaner contributor Jason Clarke was beaming next to his belle, Lissane Levy, when we caught up with the two LOVEbirds at Tabanca Tuesday.

For some, today might be a normal day, but for many others, it's the day of LOVE - Valentine's Day - and we are sharing EXTRA social scenes from Tabanca Tuesdays at Cru on Tuesday and the launch of Wedding Spectacular. Here's to another weekend as we prepare to kick off the celebrations in style!