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Belize investigate missing US$20m

Published:Tuesday | February 26, 2008 | 9:40 AM

The government in Belize said it is investigating a multi-million dollar discrepancy in funds provided by the Venezuelan government to the Said Musa administration.

Prime Minister Dean Barrow said a statement issued by the previous administration, stated that Caracas had provided a US$10 million grant to Belize.

The statement said US$9 million was granted for housing loans, and US$1 million to upgrade the sport complex.

The Prime Minister said information provided by the Venezuelan government indicates that the grant was US$20 million.

Mr. Barrow said US$19 million was earmarked for the construction and rehabilitation of houses and the remainder for the construction of an athletics track.

He also said every effort will be made by his government to determine what happened to the missing funds.