Wed | Oct 2, 2024

Protests expected

Published:Friday | January 8, 2010 | 12:00 AM

The Editor, Sir:

The year 2010 has hardly made its mark and, already, the pundits have rolled their dice, predicting that Jamaica is one of the countries likely to suffer from social unrest.

I am not one to swallow such forecasts easily but one cannot help but be persuaded by such outlook. Citing the present administration's blunder in the handling of the economy, unveiling some four tax packages in one fiscal year, is enough bait in the hands of the pundits to confirm such prediction.

The New Year's resolution on the lips of many is the desperate cry of survival, even though the Government has rolled back some of the taxes previously announced on December 17. The pockets of many are penniless, as the statistics of the unemployed keeps trending upward and many are strapped for cash as they fend to provide for their basic needs.

Waiting on IMF

All of this has been happening while the Government has been banging on the door of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to open its coffers, to deliver a country on the verge of economic collapse brought on by a growing debt burden.

By the rate of things, it cannot be business as usual in Jamaica land we love for the crunch is on, as the volatile crime and violence continues to plague our nation, and this economic instability could prove to worsen an already trouble situation.

Now is not the time for finger-pointing nor is it the place for financial novices or clueless parliamentarians to test their wits. What we need are sound minds, ready to make collaborative efforts, among all stakeholders, to save a nation on the brink of disaster.

I am, etc.,



Mandeville, Manchester