Wed | Sep 25, 2024

Kelly's World - All the girls

Published:Monday | September 20, 2010 | 12:00 AM

You see them wherever you work or socialise; the various 'girl groups'.

Here's some I always run into and all have their moments.

The BlackBerry belles are easy to spot. You never really know what they look like because their heads are constantly down looking at the flipping screen. They have no idea what you've been saying for the past three minutes. So feel free to throw in a few statements like "I had sex with an alien and now I'm pregnant." If you get even so much as a "Huh?" in response, consider yourself lucky. But, hey, at least they're into technology and gadgets right?

Then you have the celebrity watchers. They're always on the Internet, always watching E! and all those other channels. They know the intricacies of the fashion world and know all the latest slang and who is currently seeing who. If you're not into long conversations about Rihanna, then they might not be enthused. Or if you're selfish with the remote. The upside is you will learn about popular culture which can be beneficial in the right circumstances.

Then there are the sports lovers. For some guys, these women are like manna from heaven. Even if she doesn't really understand the intricacies of the sport (like tactics et al) it doesn't matter. If she can at least identify a few people and knows the difference between a touchdown and a three-point shot, then she's probably a keeper. But you have to be careful though. Not all sports lovers are what they seem. Some only watch football to see the 'cute' guys and because they like 'well-toned' legs. They haven't a clue what country Cristiano Ronaldo plays for nor how many goals he has for the national team. They just think he's hot. Now fellas, I can tell you, it's not easy trying to watch a game while you have to be cleaning up the drool from your girl at the same time.

One group you're always going to find are the hamsters. I know we don't really have hamsters but calling anybody a mongoose isn't very nice. Anyway, these women are so timid, they get scared at the sight of grasshoppers. If you want someone with more fire, don't look at them. If you like a quiet person, go for it!

And one group you'll never get rid of are the monsters and no, their eyes aren't red because of smoking weed (although that would be a turn-off too). OK, so they like the finer things in life (that's a good thing) but unless you win the super lottery, you probably won't be satisfying her financial needs soon.

Tell me what groups you know at