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LETTER OF THE DAY - Disgraceful bathrooms at National Stadium

Published:Tuesday | March 15, 2011 | 12:00 AM


Having gone to the Gibson Relays at the National Stadium last Saturday, and having had the pleasure of seeing some of the nation's very best talent on display, regrettably there is still one area of concern. The bathroom facilities at the stadium are an utter disgrace.

I generally avoid using public bathrooms because of their accustomed unsanitary state, but I must admit a bit of surprise when alerted to the appalling state of the facilities inside the grandstand at the National Stadium. Having had my attention stirred to the immediate aforementioned, I passed through in order to see for myself. Dirty, unsanitary and dysfunctional are pellucid adjectives which accurately relay the condition of the facilities.

Deplorable state of female lavatory

Lovely company also relayed that the same is the case with the female lavatory at the National Stadium. A small bucket in order to facilitate flushing, grime and a door to one of the three toilet facilities being nowhere to be found characterise the deplorable state of the facilities.

It's unacceptable. Just recently, the honourable minister of sports indicated that the newly laid track, costing J$85 million, was way faster than the track which Usain and company lit up in Berlin. Surely, even a million dollars could have been used to renovate the bathroom facilities. My understanding, also, is that the condition of the facilities in the grandstand is 'heaven' compared to that which exists in the bleachers.

Many times state agencies which are responsible for maintenance derelict their duty, and ministers are blamed. Whatever is the case, the authorities must rectify the problems. Boys and Girls Champs is just around the corner, and I know the honourable minister will agree that we do not have to await the arrival of tourists into the island for the Jamaica International Invitational track meet before we upgrade what can be accurately described as a pigsty.

I am, etc.,

