Sun | Oct 6, 2024

Secular government needs the government of God

Published:Monday | October 19, 2015 | 12:00 AMSteve Lyston, Contributor
Steve Lyston

The success of every secular government or leader depends on how they deal with the government of God. Many believe that their success is dependent on how they relate with other administrations.

No earthly king wants infertility. Every leader has to lead by example, so in order to be fruitful, they must support the government of God. It is the government of God that stands between the secular government and God to avert judgement on a nation. They are the ones providing atoning covering for the civil state. Many times, the people try to criticise the government of God and ask what they are doing. But if the government of God ceases to stand in the gap for the secular government and civil society for one day, you would see more chaos than you would imagine.(Genesis 20: 14-18; Joel 1; Joel 2: 17)

The local and global crises we see happening - unemployment, economic problems, crime and other issues - is the absence of the secular government's/civil society's support of the government of God. Many have diverted to supporting paganism. Only the government of God has the authority to bless and make atonement for the people. Nehemiah, Ezra, Hezekiah, Pharaoh, Joseph, and Daniel - they all collaborated the government of God and the secular/civil society.


prophetic mandate

In the same way that we must pay secular taxes to the civil government, the tithes and offerings of a nation are God's taxes to His government to carry out its function - to facilitate basic health care, education, care for the poor, and to carry out their prophetic mandate to the nation.

There are three types of government that must come together for the growth, prosperity and blessing of a nation. The family - which is the first line of government, the secular/civil government and the government of God, which is the Church. (Ephesians 4: 11)

Matthew 13: 11, "He answered and said to them, 'Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given'."


apocalyptic events

This Scripture clearly shows that there are many mysteries globally to be unfolded. Only the government of God qualifies to explain to and guide the secular government concerning apocalyptic events, the activities in the cosmos, economics, migration, and even solutions to deal with sustainable development. Diseases are breaking out like never before. Certain bilateral agreements with other nations that should not take place are rife globally.

The eye of the secular government is the government of God. The secular government cannot continue to operate blindly. There are many, even those who deem themselves part of the government of God, who promote a secular society excluding the government of God! Their concept of society instead ought to be ignored!

Regardless of how brilliant those within the secular government are and what plans they will come up with, unless it is blessed by the government of God, then billions will either continue to go to waste, or be distributed among those in secular government. Those who truly represent the government of God are not getting the physical and spiritual support to deal with the needs within the communities.

Understand that if the government of God is not allowed to prosper, then the secular government will not prosper at all, and will continue to go around in circles.

The government of God is not about knocking shoulders with VIP's and being invited to a few dinners and functions like a token. They are in charge of the Spiritual aspect of the nation. They are the gatekeepers. They are the first line to the community, the widowed, the poor and the needy. They are God's representatives on earth! They are the ones who should show the secular government why we are facing what we are facing and which spiritual laws have been broken, as well as what we need to do to bring change and reformation.

Those who are a part of the government of God are not exceptions from society. They have voting rights, pay taxes, they have the power to decree and declare. They have the right to representation if they feel they have been called to serve in secular government.

They also have the right to pray concerning the governance within a nation, as well as peace and prosperity, and for unity among the three governments within a nation.

- Steve Lyston is a biblical economics consultant and author of several books, including 'End Time Finance' and 'The New Millionaire'.