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West Kingston Enquiry: Bishop Herro Blair describes how he greeted 'Dudus', said Coke was unarmed

Published:Tuesday | December 1, 2015 | 12:00 AMLivern Barrett, Gleaner Writer

Bishop Herro Blair has testified that drug kingpin Christopher 'Dudus' Coke was unarmed when they met at his Tivoli Gardens office in May 2010.

When asked how he knew that, the popular elicited laughter at the west Kingston commission of enquiry when he replied: "because of the way I greeted him".

"You patted (searched) him?" asked chairman of the commission Sir David Simmons.

"l said to him 'can I give you a hug?'," Blair replied laughing, while demonstrating to the commission how he ran both hands down the drug kingpin's back.

Blair testified that on his way to meet with Coke that day he passed more than 50 men openly carrying handguns.