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Child killer sentenced to life

Published:Thursday | November 2, 2017 | 12:00 AMTamara Bailey
Relatives of convicted child murderer Kayode Garwood are stricken with grief outside the courthouse after hearing his sentence to life in prison.

MANDEVILLE, Manchester:

Expressionless was the face of 28-year-old Kayode Garwood, who was convicted of the murder of 11-year-old Tareek Gregory, as he was sentenced to life in prison in the Manchester Circuit Court yesterday.

Garwood will have to serve 26 years before being eligible for parole.

Justice Chester Stamp, in handing down the sentence, said that there were no words to describe the unspeakably awful murder that took place in Harmons district, Manchester, in 2011.

He referred to Garwood's act as callous, cold, and pitiless and added that there was nothing in the social enquiry report that would help him to understand the reason for such an act.




"You cut his throat, and he was blowing and struggling, and you went at it again. You covered his face with a plastic bag, and when he tore it off, you stabbed him and then hit him in the head with a baton. You showed no mercy," said Justice Stamp.

He added that he couldn't accept the fact that he was urged on by the boy's sister.

In 2014, Tareek's sister, 25-year-old Denisha Gordon, was sentenced to four years for manslaughter in the death of her brother. She has since served her sentence and has been released from custody.

Taking into account the fact that Garwood was incarcerated for six years prior and had no prior convictions, Justice Stamp said the sentencing had to be reflective of the wickedness of the crime.

"You must have a long time to think about what you have done," he said.

Garwood's mother and other relatives had to be comforted outside the courthouse as their wails drew the attention of several onlookers and passers-by.

But they could not be consoled as they watched Garwood being taken away by the police.

Evidence was presented that in 2011, Gordon and Garwood hatched a plan to kill her mother, father, and brother because her mother did not approve of the relationship and because her 11-year-old brother was their favourite.