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Salute to the Reggae Girlz

Published:Wednesday | October 17, 2018 | 12:00 AM
Prime Minister Andrew Holness
Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange.
Dr Peter Phillips, Opposition Leader
Jamaica Football Federation president, Michael Ricketts.
President of the Jamaica Olympic Association, Christopher Samuda.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness - "This historic victory and qualification places the girls in the pantheon of the greatest sports teams of all time from Jamaica. This win symbolises the culmination of years of hard work and dedication by the team and management. I congratulate the team and management on making Jamaica proud. I call on all Jamaicans to rally behind the Reggae Girlz and give them all the support they need."  

Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Olivia Grange - "This is a glorious day. Words cannot truly describe this historic achievement by this group of young ladies, who through sheer grit and determination in a game in which both teams went all out for victory, came out victorious. Dallas, USA, may be miles away, but at my office, we followed every kick, every tackle, every goal until that final penalty kick landed in the back of the goal. It was a total team effort, but special commendation to the goal scorers Khadija Shaw and 16-year-old Jody Brown."

Opposition Leader, Dr Peter Phillips - "This is a remarkable achievement and we are proud of our girls. Without a doubt they will continue to excel, and we stand with them as they aim to bring the World Cup home."

Jamaica Football Federation president, Michael Ricketts  - "What the country witnessed live here, in August, and in the final round was a united, focused, and determined set of players who knew exactly what they needed to do to make themselves and the country proud."

President of the Jamaica Olympic Association, Christopher Samuda - "I salute our Reggae Girlz for giving our people a gift of faith today and an inspired vision of hope for tomorrow. I salute them, for they have delivered with conviction and have already signalled that they will give Jamaica and the world their best shot. Let us give them an unqualified vote of confidence as they journey to France with history, again, at their feet."