Mon | Jun 17, 2024

Single but iffy to mingle - My life as a Christmas movie

Published:Friday | December 7, 2018 | 12:00 AM

It was weeks before Christmas and all through our land, the creatures were stirring, for all the merriment they have planned. If you haven't got wind of the cool festive breeze filling the air just yet, then you need to wake up and smell those poinsettias: Christmas is here.

And I don't know about you, but this is by far my favourite time of the year. It literally puts me in high spirits - maybe the sorrel and the Christmas cakes are the main reasons for this jolly mood. I also love to bask in the reruns and new productions of Christmas movies.

Last year, I was living in my very own version of a 'Lifetime movie': tons of plot twists, with the recurring motif of false hope, as I geared up to face an unhappy ending. There would, however, be some semblance of closure, enough to run credits anyway. This time around, I find my life aligning with a Hallmark movie. Now, judge if you may, be excited if you must, but join me on this episode of Single But Iffy to Mingle: my life as a Christmas movie.


Date #1


Charles Huntington*, chief executive officer for a major clothing company, crossed my path one evening. Tall, dark, and a mature handsome, his demeanor, beyond his exhibited bravado, appeared to be calm and quaint. I was intrigued. Our eyes met and he remained transfixed - the intimate gathering caused me to stand out. He then made his way over, drinks in hand and invited me to indulge in a glass of bubbly, and his company. We talked for hours, getting to know each other, and laughed at all the coincidental things we had in common. Time was not on my side and I had to leave. We exchanged numbers, setting unofficial plans to meet under different circumstances. With one sultry kiss on the cheek, I was sent on my merry way home.

Weeks had passed, and I had learned a little about the intricacies of his job - I admired his work ethic. He was divorced, a father of two adorable children, the glue that kept his family together, popular among his friends and seeking a real woman by his side.

Time went on and our opportunities to meet grew far and few. I stayed patient, opting to keep in contact. I jumped with excitement when we finally arranged a night out. We sealed the end of our date with an amazing kiss. "It couldn't get any better than this," I thought. And it didn't. My requests were met with broken promises and I grew weary of him finding time for everyone else, except us.

Depressed, I strolled into a bakery, trying to drown my sorrows in cheesecake. One mouthwatering bite later, I was introduced to the owner of the establishment, Miles Johnson*. Unlike any man I had ever met, he was talented, charming, dark as chocolate, and just as sweet. His smile filled the room when he graciously accepted my favourable review. On a whim, he invited me to the shop's monthly tasting the next week. And with free time on my hands, I attended.

As each sample floated around the joyous room, he sought my opinion, making keen notes along the way. As the crowd dwindled, he asked if I could stay behind. I obliged. He had prepared new desserts for the upcoming Christmas season and wanted my input. A luring smile and laughs later, we moved from entertaining flavour to entertaining each other. A year older than me, he had no children but was a proud uncle to a beautiful niece. I was enthralled by his versed knowledge of culinary and life overall.




Suddenly, his hand touched mine and I instantly felt chills. Flushed, he looked longingly into my eyes and boom! Fireworks exploded from the feel of his enchanting kiss. He broke that savoury spell by asking me out on a date the following day, to which I said, "Yes."

He spoke highly of the convivial cafÈ just around the corner. It was the best lunch I had ever tasted! And to top it off, I was in wonderful company. Lunch moved to dinner days later. Dinner was followed by breakfast the next week. And despite his busy schedule, he always made time for me. One evening, while I was getting ready to meet Miles, Charles called to say he was coming to see me - Miles was already outside. Torn and confused, I thought quickly about how to get out of this unscathed. Do I cancel with Miles and entertain Charles now that he has found time for me? Or do I ditch Charles and stick to my original plan of spending my night with Miles? Since I was low on Charles' quality-time list, I chose the latter, told him work came up unexpectedly and I wasn't home. I went on to have an epic night, only Miles inclusive.

Charles managed to squeeze in an impromptu visit to my home one Sunday morning. Disgruntled by my priorities, he vowed to make more time, so that we could take it to the next level, since it was high time we did. Only then did it hit me: he was pushing a sexual agenda.

Meanwhile, things were sailing smoothly with Miles, who was physically attracted to me, but held my mind in higher regard. There was no pressure and that made me yearn for him even more.

This tug-of-war continued for a few more week. Charles insisted that I make him the object of my affection, opting to place his pursuit of me on the back burner. But I kept following my instincts, staying true to loyalty and avoiding frivolity. Before I knew it, Charles disappeared like a thief in night. And Miles, the passionate entrepreneur, proved that he was all the man I needed.

*Names changed to conceal identity.