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Brazilians assist Yvonne Sterling - Veteran singer grateful for donations as she settles in new home

Published:Saturday | November 28, 2020 | 12:06 AMYasmine Peru/Senior Gleaner Writer
Little Lenny (left) and Richie Stephens paid a visit to Yvonne Sterling (centre) on Wednesday to make good on the promise of assistance.
Little Lenny (left) and Richie Stephens paid a visit to Yvonne Sterling (centre) on Wednesday to make good on the promise of assistance.

Brazilian fans, led by disc jockey DJ Waldiney, as well as Jamaican entertainers Little Lenny and Richie Stephens, have made good on their promise to assist veteran singer Yvonne Sterling, who is facing multiple challenges.

On Wednesday, Sterling’s new friends paid her another visit. This time around, their purpose was to deliver the donations collected from Reggae Solidário, which took place on Sunday at Porto Seguro, Brazil. Sterling, comfortable in the new place that she calls home, has a new hairstyle and is a far cry from the depressed woman who captured media attention when her house was flooded out a few weeks ago.

“We got some funds from Brazil to give to her, and we are happy to say that she has moved from her location. We are not going to disclose the location or how much money we gave her for safety reasons. If we didn’t have to hand over on video, we wouldn’t do that either, but because we had to have something to send back to the Brazilian people, we did. The important thing is that we gave her all receipts, so she knows exactly how much money was sent for her. And, of course, we intend to keep close to her,” Stephens told The Gleaner.

Sterling said she was feeling cared for. “Mr Richie Stephens and Mr Little Lenny, dem don’t leave me an inch, no time at all. I am very grateful to them and to the people of Brazil who cared enough and found it possible to send me these funds, especially at a time when everybody is having it hard,” she said.

“I lost my dresser in the flood and I am getting one made. So every time I look at it I will remember the kindness of the Brazilian people. I don’t want this money to spend off and I don’t have anything to show for it,” the If You Love Me singer said.


Sterling was also full of praise for her sister, Corrine Jackson, who is conducting all her business. Jackson, she said, has always been there for her and she trusts her completely. “She is a lovely, Christian girl, and I am happy to leave her in charge. She got me this new place to live, and she will oversee the paying of the rent and that I have my groceries, and things like that,” Sterling explained.

DJ Waldiney said in a statement, “Yvonne was very happy and thanked the people for helping her in this difficult time. After a request from me, Yvonne sang one of her songs that is a hit here in São Luís, and which is also my favourite, Full of Music. The Reggae Solidário team thanks everyone who participated in the project to help Mrs Sterling. Reggae Solidário has been running since 1999 and has already helped dozens of people in São Luís and outside the capital.”