Sun | Jun 16, 2024

Whyte brightens Christmas for elderly in Allman Town

Published:Friday | December 25, 2020 | 12:05 AMChristopher Serju/Senior Gleaner Writer
Pastor Junior White (right) gives a care package to Tyrone Phillips (left), an elderly man who lives in Allman Town, Kingston, yesterday. Phillips has to use a walker to move around was not sure where his next meal would be coming from.
Pastor Junior White (right) gives a care package to Tyrone Phillips (left), an elderly man who lives in Allman Town, Kingston, yesterday. Phillips has to use a walker to move around was not sure where his next meal would be coming from.
Pastor Junior White packaging food items, toileteries and sanitisers in bags for the elderly in Allman Town.
Pastor Junior White packaging food items, toileteries and sanitisers in bags for the elderly in Allman Town.

A number of elderly, indigent and disabled persons in Allman Town in downtown Kingston are enjoying a Christmas dinner today, thanks to the effort of Pastor Junior Whyte of the Faith Healing Ministries in Naggo Head, Portmore, St Catherine.

Yesterday, The Gleaner caught up with Whyte in Allman Town as he was preparing care packages to distribute to 25 persons in need. In each package was some rice, flour, sugar, flour, cornmeal, Kool Aid, crackers, Ramen noodles, cooking oil, toilet paper, a bottle of hand sanitiser.

“Just some of the basic essentials that the elderly would need,” he explained, pointing out that providing this kind of assistance is a year-round mission. “There are many that I have to give dinner to almost every Sunday.”

Whyte said that the pandemic has increased the need and made such charity efforts needed more now than ever as many persons who would usually care for their elderly relatives are also struggling.

“My church is not here, but because I am a member of the community. I see it fit to answer the call in this Christmas time. I know that during the pandemic it is rough because a lot of people lose jobs and many of their children they lose jobs, so it is hard. So I am trying my best to see how much as possible I can fill the void, knowing that [Friday] is Christmas,” he said.

Rosemarie Wilson, who uses a set of crutches to get around, was delighted to see the young man she had helped to raise now coming into his own and being able to give back to the community.

“A good pickney this,” she informed The Gleaner. “A mi church sister son, and even before we get save, mi used to have Junior inna me hand.”

Other recipients were also grateful for the unexpected Christmas gift.

One woman, who could barely speak, enquired as to the source of the package and upon learning that it was from Donna’s son, his mother having been someone she had known very well in earlier years, was almost moved to tears.

However, it was at 16 Robert Street, the dwelling of Tyrone Phillips that the emotional impact of Pastor Whyte’s gesture was really felt.

“Lawd Jeezas Christ! Wah gwaan mi friend? Mi glad fi see you, man,” blurted out 65-year-old Tyrone Phillips, whom we encountered using a walker to navigate his front yard.

Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the items, he admitted to sorely needing the items.

“I want the help to come in more – all sort of help, food help and I am very grateful for everything that comes my way,” he said.

Pastor White disclosed that one item on his to-do list for 2021 is to raise funds to construct proper sanitary facilities for Phillips and his partner, Ruth.

He thanked members of the private sector as well as government agencies for their strong support provided to allow him to “spread Christmas cheer to persons who really need it”.

While he had to dig deep in his pockets to make this a reality, the Kingston and St Andrew Municipal Corporation; the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sports; Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett; Delano Seiveright and Wayne’s Trading were this year’s angels of mercy.

“This is not really a one-off deal. It’s a year-round thing for me to help the elderly and disabled in this and other communities. So I am really appealing to corporate Jamaica to come on board and partner with me so we can spread the goodwill and cheer all year round," he appealed.

Anyone interested in partnering with Pastor Junior Whyte in this charitable cause may contact him at 876-512-6846.