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There was no missing road march for 12-time reveller Chantelle Fagan

Published:Sunday | July 10, 2022 | 3:12 PMKrysta Anderson/Staff Reporter -
Chantelle Fagan told The Gleaner she first jumped in carnival when she was 18.
Chantelle Fagan told The Gleaner she first jumped in carnival when she was 18.

Chantelle Fagan, who was seen parading the streets of Bacchanal in Storm, took a break from chipping down the road. While catching her breath, she told The Gleaner that this is her 12th time jumping in carnival.

"I first jumped when I was 18 years old," the 31-year-old shared, adding that this was her eighth year with this band.

For Fagan, who says her experience jumping in Trinidad and Tobago carnival in 2016 was top-tier, there is nothing like jumping on home ground.

After ordering her costume prior to the pandemic, there was no wasting her money in 2022. The veteran reveller returned to the streets solo after friends opted to sit out this year's road march at the last minute. She secured her glam with Face by Nessa Essentials and hit the road early.

"I came out early at the start and [I've] already heard my favourite song, drink water, and Mind my Business, twice," she declared excitedly.

Fagan is looking forward to non-stop vibe for the rest of the march, "You know how they say, when the music hits, you feel no pain? It doesn't matter how sad you are, once you hear soca, you're good."
