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Curtis ‘overwhelmed’ by visit from Charleses

Published:Wednesday | April 17, 2024 | 12:06 AM
St Thomas Eastern Member of Parliament Dr Michelle Charles gifts Valrie Curtis a cake wishing her a happy retirement.
St Thomas Eastern Member of Parliament Dr Michelle Charles gifts Valrie Curtis a cake wishing her a happy retirement.
Former clerk to the Houses of Parliament Valrie Curtis speaks with former speaker Pearnel Charles Sr, who visited her to wish her a happy retirement.
Former clerk to the Houses of Parliament Valrie Curtis speaks with former speaker Pearnel Charles Sr, who visited her to wish her a happy retirement.
Former clerk to the Houses of Parliament Valrie Curtis soaks up a memorable moment with former speaker Pearnel Charles Sr and his daughter and Member of Parliament for St Thomas Eastern, Dr Michelle Charles. The Charleses visited Curtis days before her ret
Former clerk to the Houses of Parliament Valrie Curtis soaks up a memorable moment with former speaker Pearnel Charles Sr and his daughter and Member of Parliament for St Thomas Eastern, Dr Michelle Charles. The Charleses visited Curtis days before her retirement at Gordon House.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Pearnel Charles Sr sprung a surprise visit on former Clerk to the Houses Valrie Curtis days before her retirement at Gordon House in Kingston.

Curtis became Clerk to the Houses while Charles was the presiding officer for the Lower House.

“When she retired, I went and bade her goodbye and told her thanks,” Charles told The Gleaner on Monday.

He said his daughter, Dr Michelle Charles, current member of parliament for St Thomas Eastern, accompanied him on his visit.

“I had a proper working relationship with both Ms Curtis and the previous clerk. I did not have a problem with them. I wish her well in her retirement,” he said.

Charles said jokingly that he did not want to get in hot water with his Jamaica Labour Party colleagues.

“The fact that she has some problems with the present Speaker could not prevent me from expressing my appreciation for the time she served with me,” Charles said.

Describing the moment when Charles surprised her, Curtis said: “More than all, I was there after 5 [p.m.], and I heard a rap on my door, and when I looked, it was former Speaker Pearnel Charles followed by his daughter, who is now MP, and he brought in a cake and said, ‘Happy retirement, Ms Curtis’.

“I was overwhelmed.”

Curtis also received a letter from the executive director and commissioners of the Integrity Commission (IC), who expressed gratitude for the service she offered to the country’s Parliament.

“We wish for you good health, happiness and all that’s best in your retirement,” the leadership of the IC said.