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Dream car, nightmare prices

Published:Sunday | February 19, 2012 | 12:00 AM

Sheldon Williams, Gleaner Writer

This is the third article in our four-part series on a young driver's hands-on automobile experience.

By September 2010, a month before I received my driver's licence, I had already opened a savings account to save towards buying my first car - or, as we young ones say, 'my first ride'. I began asking experienced motorists, what are the best cars to purchase at a reasonable cost. Which would be the best investment if my first car were to be my last?

After careful consideration, I decided to focus on purchasing a 2007 Toyota Corolla Altis, though I am a Honda fanatic, because in my opinion a Honda is a 'poor man Bimmer'.

With its durability, satisfactory performance and, of course, high resale value, a Honda Civic seemed the best choice until my visits to a number of car depots revealed the hefty price tag. Surely the prices, from $1.87 million to $2 million were far out of my net worth, and so the Honda dream has been delayed until further notice.

With the Honda side of my brain on pause, I was totally focused on working towards the Altis, a decision supported by my father. However, that dream was soon delayed also when checks revealed that I would have to be willing to pay about $1.7 million before I would be issued with the keys to a 2007 model.

Renewed hope

Notwithstanding my disappointment and astonishment at the car prices, I was undaunted in finding something that 'fit my pocket', so by this time I was open to other suggestions. By the end of October 2010, my zeal to own a car was renewed and, licence in hand, my daydreams began.

My preference for a start-up ride soon switched to a 2007 or 2008 Subaru Impreza, after I was exposed to a few on job assignments. I must confess 'dem surely drive sweet' - but again the price tags put a sour taste in my mouth.

I became an avid collector of the Automotives section in every Sunday Gleaner from December 2010 until now, so I could keep abreast of the happenings in the automotive world and compare prices, hoping they would decline significantly and, thereby, increase the likelihood of myowning a car that I actually desire.

With funds now growing gradually and my father's pledge to assist his big son in owning a car soon, I was surely moving closer to driving something. By this point that 'something' had been downgraded to anything, as long as it had an engine and could get me about.

But headaches soon began, with the details surfacing about the supporting expenses which go hand in hand with owning a car. The biggest shocker was the insurance quotes that were thrown at me. I still need to be revived from that killer blow called comprehensive-insurance coverage, which was met with my friend Krista's trademark response, "sigh".