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LNG agreement could help establish Jamaica as energy hub - Paulwell

Published:Saturday | August 15, 2015 | 12:00 AM
Phillip Paulwell says based on the level of stakeholder participation that guided the process leading to the agreement he believes the development has been one of the most profound examples of private and public sector collaboration and achievement.

Energy Minister Phillip Paulwell says the new agreement between the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited (JPS) and New Fortress Energy for the supply of gas could be the catalyst to establish Jamaica as an energy hub for the region.

Under the agreement, US-based New Fortress Energy will provide JPS with Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) for its 120-megawatt power plant at Bogue in Montego Bay, St James.

Paulwell notes that the agreement represents a major outcome arising from the significant policy shift by the Department of Energy of the US Government to authorise the export of LNG to Jamaica.

He says based on the level of stakeholder participation that guided the process leading to the agreement he believes the development has been one of the most profound examples of private and public sector collaboration and achievement.

The talks involved the United States Department of Commerce, the Office of the US President and the Government of Jamaica as well as the two commercial entities.

The LNG supply agreement will facilitate the delivery of gas to the JPS by early 2016 and has now enabled the company to begin the infrastructure work in short order and hasten the generation of electricity in a more cost-effective manner.