So many hungry people to feed ... so little food
Tanisha Reid, head of the Clarendon chapter of Voices For Jamaica Today Foundation Limited, sometimes feels overwhelmed by the great needs of the homeless around her.
She would be the first to tell you that it pains her heart when the weekly cooked meals cannot reach all the hungry mouths.
"We, as volunteers, pool our resources together and cook. We then take to the streets on a Monday and deliver boxed lunches along with a drink to the homeless," she said.
However, it has not been an easy road, and the charity is now looking to scale back its feeding programme due to a number of challenges. Reid said her team will now have to cook monthly instead of weekly.
"If we could get someone or an organisation to help us with food stuff, we could continue the weekly feeding programme. If we even got half, the volunteers would donate the other half," she told The Gleaner.
Reid said it breaks her heart to know that so many Jamaicans are homeless and hungry.
"Honestly, it's an experience being out on the street feeding them. A touching moment for me was when we took to the street and as one homeless man saw us coming, he got up, brushed his hands off and said, 'I am ready for my food now!'" she recounted.
For Reid, the organisation is just filling a gap, but if others step in, then that gap could be closed.