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DIY Jo | Caring for our gem's scalp

Published:Thursday | May 11, 2017 | 12:00 AMJody-Anne Lawrence

Not too long ago, a friend asked me to make something for her granddaughter's scalp. I must admit it made me a bit nervous because my almost 30-year-old scalp can take more than a child's. However, I altered my most recent scalp treatment recipe to make one that I am sure would be child proof. I must admit I still would not use this on a child under the age of two years.

The essential oils are all approved to be used on children over six months, however ,there are still things you have to consider like allergies. By the age of two ,the child can speak and you would, more than likely, be familiar with the allergies that he or she has. To be safe, test the carrier oil on a small area of the child with a drop of essential oil to see if they might have a reaction. Also, if your child is allergic to nuts, please avoid carrier oils like argan oil as it may cause a reaction. Your best options would be jojoba oil and/or olive oil.

For this recipe, I used argan oil, but as mentioned before, if your child has a nut allergy, you can replace it. You can either use jojoba oil as your only carrier oil or use olive oil instead.


2 tbsp Jojoba Oil

1 tbsp Argan oil

6 drops tea tree oil

3 drops lavender oil

4 drops chamomile oil

3 drops Rosemary oil

Shake together and apply to scalp daily or every other day based on severity of the breakout. The chamomile oil used is the German chamomile (blue chamomile) oil. It is soothing and the anti-inflammatory properties work wonders on inflamed skin and eczema breakouts.

My friend tried it and her granddaughter admitted that she had a bit of relief from the mixture and the change is visually evident as well. So try it.