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The ‘Golding’ Rush of Sugar Mill Restaurant

Published:Monday | October 30, 2017 | 12:00 AMKrysta Anderson
Pan-roasted free-range chicken, rosemary, garlic, lime, honey roasted sweet potatoes, smoked chocho.
Chef Golding showcases his pride and joy in a dish, oxtail ravioli.

Behind every successful restaurant is a culinary visionary who takes your taste buds to new, insatiable heights. For Sugar Mill Restaurant at Half Moon Hotel, it's their Chef de Cuisine Christopher Golding.

Known for not only bringing the 'sugar' but authentic spices to their dishes, Sugar Mill Restaurant provides the very best in dining experience.

Chef Golding is all too familiar with the kitchen, and has served as an active member in the arts for over 20 years. In his 10 years at Sugar Mill Restaurant, he has found the overall experience challenging but rewarding. "Sugar Mill Restaurant has been the vehicle that pushes and propels me to grow. They have helped me to relive and reshape my goals and dreams. The craft is challenging, and yes, the competition is strong, but our food is phenomenal," Chef Golding told Food.

But he didn't let us take his word for it, he prepared two of his signature dishes: savoury pan-roasted free-range chicken with honey glazed sweet potato wedges and sautÈed vegetables, as well as mouthwatering oxtail ravioli. Prepared with sweet potatoes, the oxtail ravioli is an international twist, with its Italian influence (ravioli) on a local favourite, Jamaica's delicacy, oxtail, the taste is absolutely out of this world and will definitely have you wanting more!

So for great culinary variety in a convivial environment, take a delectable detour and indulge in the Golding rush of Sugar Mill Restaurant at Half Moon Hotel in Montego Bay today.

Sugar Mill Restaurant

Half Moon Golf Course,

Rose Hall

Tel: 953-2211