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Let’s Get Physical | Don’t diss my ability

Published:Wednesday | July 3, 2019 | 12:00 AM

Setting goals and working with a disciplined determination to achieving them is very important, and this also goes for persons with disabilities.

At the start of this year, I had set a goal to live healthily, which led to my going green challenge. This meant having a greener approach to life, which included juicing and having a set exercise routine.

One thing that is very important in achieving different goals is to ensure we are setting ourselves goals that are achievable and goals that align with our life plan. So six months into the year, I am focused on living a greener life from the inside out for the entire 2019.

I have committed to this challenge, as living with a disability is proving not only challenging but a very enlightening and enjoyable experience.


In order to set a goal, one has to understand clearly what exactly a goal represents. A goal represents a specific activity that has a timeline for completion.

- First thing is, you need to clearly outline what your possible goals are.

- You also need to identify the objectives that will help you reach your goal. These are usually tasks or activities that are achieved.

- Ensure that your goals are SMART. The acronym SMART is a simple yet effective recipe I use in project management to ensure that my team and I are not only working with goals but that these goals are pragmatic and achievable.

The acronym stands for:



Achievable/ Actionable

Realistic/ Relevant

Time bound

- Ensure that you have established milestones to indicate your progress in reaching your goal. A milestone is an event that is used as an indication of progress made towards completing a goal.

- Ensure that you have a process associated with how you do what you do.

- Be organised. A little organisation goes a long way. Organisation can mean the difference between goals being achieved on time and goals being achieved after opportunities have passed.


- First thing is, mentally remove the DIS from Disability. Focus on the skills that you can offer the current marketplace. You are no different from anyone else. You also have valuable contributions that will positively impact society.

- Ensure you have a vision board, as well as clearly outlined goals, objectives and milestones.

- Keep up to date and read widely so as to inform yourself of all possible opportunities.

- Focus on what you can do in this life with the skills you have. Try to remain positive. Surround yourself with positive people, positive reading material and videos.

- Focus on being self-sufficient by looking into ways to earn and free yourself from persons who may control or manipulate you because of your disability. If you are interested in starting a business, you may start by putting a business plan together and you can approach the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities to see what options you may have available to you as a person with a disability.

- There is great power in I; however, persons with disabilities and other persons can’t do it alone. We all need to have the best support group present in our lives to keep us on target as well as to encourage us along the way.

As we walk into the second half of 2019, may all persons with disabilities out there remember that the race is not for the swift but for those who can endure to the end.

Understandably, there will be challenges but for the rest of the year, let us all aim to achieve those dreams we thought were impossible or too grand.

Anything is possible and I believe we all can achieve what we want if we are disciplined and work hard.


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