Wed | Jun 5, 2024

Go read a book!

Published:Monday | March 9, 2020 | 12:15 AM

At the beginning of the year, influencers took social media by storm – sharing the numerous books they read in 2019. If you are like most persons, you were probably thinking, “How did they find the time to read that many books?” As children, many of us were avid readers of fiction, but as time went by, ‘adulting’ developed into a thing, and reading books for leisure became an unattainable luxury.

If your mission is to read more books this year, here are a few tips and tricks that will make this quest a piece of cake. Now is the perfect time to rediscover your love for books, especially through the use of technology.

Before I delve into what makes reading fun in the 21st century, I know there are a few sceptics that are thinking, “Hey, I read every day on my smart phone. Social media keeps me inspired and up-to-date.”

I have no qualms about that, however, books are incredible because they are thousands of hours of work, energy and knowledge condensed into a few pages. A tweet, or a post on Instagram barely skims the surface and does not assist in truly understanding issues. Authors impart on you a piece of their lives, what they know and their imagination. It’s a beautiful concept, if you think about.

Enough with the jabbering and let’s get into it. Here are my top-five ways to make books a little less intimidating and more fun for 2020.

1. Multitask with audiobooks

Audiobooks offer easy reading in a short space of time. Imagine being able to clean, cook, exercise and look after the little ones, while fully absorbing new concepts and perspectives of the world. When we were children we enjoyed story time, where we could lie down on a big, fluffy pillow and be transported through words and our imagination. Believe it or not, that feeling is exactly what you get from listening to an audiobook. Swap out your music for an inspiring self-help book, comedic romance, or ways to achieve world domination (for you 48 Laws of Power people). Apps: Audible, Google Play Books

2. Books at your fingertips

You walk around with it every day, most of us cannot live without it, so why not turn your smart device into an oasis of literature? By downloading apps that give you access to books, you have eliminated 3/4 of your excuses on not being able to read. Apps: Amazon Kindle, Aldiko Book Reader, Nook

3. Take a trip to the library

Be honest, the last time you were in a library, you were forced to be there for a school project or group meetings. It’s not the most exciting place to be (because it’s so quiet, you can get very sleepy), but if you look close enough at the hundreds of books on the shelves, you might just find something you would be interested in. You don’t have to go to a gym to get fit, but the environment gets you motivated to keep going. The same applies for libraries. By putting yourself in a space to read, chances are you will get some reading done.

4. Not all bookstores are created equally …

Let me explain. Many of us know of the mainstream bookstores for getting educational books for primary and secondary school. However, there are bookstores dedicated to every genre of book, some even come with a cafe/deli. Bookstores in Kingston: Bookophilia, Bookland, The Reader’s Bookshop.

5. Online book clubs

This is where social media comes in handy. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram can serve as an online platform for persons seeking an active book club. Just search ‘book club’ and browse the numerous pages to see which one would fit your personality.

Story by Latara Boodie