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Dwayne Wedderburn | All things are possible with God

Published:Wednesday | March 14, 2018 | 12:00 AM

Everywhere in the scriptures it is highlighted that God is all powerful. Our great God, the creator of Heaven and Earth and all that they consist of is not subjected to limitations. He constantly expresses and demonstrates his willingness to intervene in the lives of His people to help us to overcome the impossibilities of our situations.

Human beings struggle daily with the issues of incurable diseases, emotional distress, losses, bareness, satanic attacks, bondages, and curses. Our arch enemy, Satan, has come to kill, to steal, and to destroy. But after he has killed, stolen, and destroyed, the word of the Lord declares that Jesus Christ the eternal son of God came to reverse and totally destroy the works of the Devil. Jesus Christ came to give us abundant and eternal life in spite of the impossibilities that the enemy has placed in our path. Regardless of the category of impossibilities that we face, God is able to make all things possible. Nothing is impossible with God.


Healings and Miracles


"For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:37. Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, was long past child-bearing age. Mary, her cousin, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin. In both their situations, giving birth was impossible. The angel of the Lord made announcements to both women that the miraculous hand of God would perform the impossible in their lives, and they both became bearers of sons. Elizabeth's son John was the greatest prophet of all times, and Mary's son Jesus is the Saviour of the world.

Jesus healed many diseased, the impotent man sick for 38 years, blind Bartimaeus, the woman with the issue of blood and the man with the withered arm. Many persons today suffer with incurable diseases. Some have spent all their money seeking the best healthcare in the hope of being cured. The power of God to do the impossible is still very evident in the world today. Many persons are still being healed from sickness and diseases by the power of Jesus through His servants in the world today. The word of the Lord highlighted that with Jesus' stripes we are healed. Supernatural healing was paid for on Calvary's cross. All God's people have the opportunity to be healed by Him through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.


The possibility of Salvation


The thief on the cross, moments before his death, asked Jesus to forgive him. Jesus said to him that his request was granted and he would be with him eternally in paradise.

It doesn't matter who we are and how far we have gone in sin. It doesn't matter the stage we are at in our lives, be it minutes away from the end or in the prime of our lives. It doesn't matter how far we are from God and how condemned we are by our own actions or by the opinion of others. The blood of Jesus Christ can wash away the sins of the most wretched sinner and make him a totally new person. Prostitutes, gunmen, murderers, thieves, idolaters, workers of iniquities, persons with satanic alliances, members of satanic organisations, witches, warlocks, and those who have sold their souls to the devil - all sinners can be washed by the blood of Jesus.

The blood of Jesus is the only commodity with the value to purchase a human soul and the only commodity sanctioned by God to do so. All other soul-selling rituals are spiritually illegal, and the victims of such deceptions can be saved by the blood of Jesus. Satan in all his might will not be able to stop a man who has made up his mind to follow Jesus. If any man believes in his heart that Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God, who died an atoning death to bring eternal salvation to every lost soul. If any man confess all his sins and ask Jesus into his heart, he will be saved. All his sins will be forgiven and his name will be written in the lamb's book of life.

- Dwayne Wedderburn is an apostle at World Harvest Mission Church. Please send feedback to