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Fit 4 Life | 'Summa' body diet don'ts [Part II]

Published:Wednesday | May 22, 2019 | 12:21 AM
Any diet that revolves around cutting out your favourite foods, or entire food groups altogether, will fail most people.
Any diet that revolves around cutting out your favourite foods, or entire food groups altogether, will fail most people.

In search of the 'Summa' body, many are willing to try anything and popular or 'celebrity' diets are a common target. From keto to vegan, over the next few weeks many of us will wade into four or five different diets.

Again, we do not recommend dieting; a long-term commitment to practising a healthy nutritional lifestyle is the way to go. But with stars and influencers singing the praises of these plans, it's natural to want to try them out.

So, here are a few more things you should never do when it comes to nutrition.


It cannot be overstated: diet hopping is bad for your health. Hopping refers to moving from one diet to the next in search of results. But, when it comes to fitness and health, consistency is a key ingredient. If you are going to follow any of these plans, it is best to do your research, choose the one that bests suits you, and stick with it.

Diet hopping wreaks havoc on your metabolism, leaves you feeling deprived, can result in muscle loss and low energy levels, and demotivates you.

When choosing a diet, look at factors such as:

- Is this plan sustainable?

You need to figure out if you can practise the plan for an extended period and remain healthy while getting results.

- Am I depriving myself?

Taste matters. If the plan requires that you never touch your favourite foods and eat meals you cannot stomach, it is likely that this plan will fail. Find a plan that allows you to eat tasty, satisfying foods.

- What have others experienced with this diet?

It's not just about weight loss. Find out what effect the diet has had on energy levels, mental state, muscle mass, body fat and overall health of people who have tried it.

It's all about you. Just because a plan has been successfully employed by others, doesn't mean it is right for you. Consider all the factors on a personal level and decide if it is the right fit for you.


Any diet that revolves around cutting out your favourite foods, or entire food groups altogether, will fail most people. And, yes, if you search you can find thousands of people who say "I lost x pounds of fat and put on x amount of muscle in x amount of time on this plan". But studies have shown that, sooner or later, most people who deny themselves while following diets break. And, even if you are among the few who can stick to it for very long periods, do you really want to spend every day trying to avoid the tastiest foods?

Instead, choose a plan that fits your palate, or allows the flexibility of eating something you love from time to time. You can also treat your favourite foods as a reward for your fitness achievements. However, be sure to keep the urge for seconds under wraps.

- Marvin Gordon is a fitness coach; email:;