Sun | Jun 16, 2024


Published:Friday | March 17, 2017 | 12:00 AM



      I have heard the cry and I pain to know
     My LOVE
     Handed down is not found in the male I created
     I have heard the cry of Women and I am angry.
     The male I fashioned to possess my virtues
     To accomplish my honour to establish my desire
     Have failed miserably and now, I grieve.
     It is grievous to know man has battered my integrity so;
     What will I do with man? He has messed up my divine plan.
     The woman cries
     Her sorrow is felt, her anguish
     Torments the Heavens for
     Treatment received by man
     Who was made to fulfil,
     I GRIEVE.
     Let me explain to man again,
     I made man a heaven, not a hell
     I placed in him a heart refined
     I gave man a heart like mine.
     I saw man’s sadness for companionship
     For one who his soul would greet.
     I took from his frame his honourable name
     And I presented man, his help meet.
     I GRIEVE.

     The Babies cry, the children sigh,
     The woman labours alone
     He mocks her pride, challenges her respect
     Bruises her strength, crushes her honour and
     Causes her to curse My Name.
     It is a shame and, I GRIEVE.
     I call to man, REPENT, be WISE
     You have broken down your SIZE.
     Your structure is weak, your future is bleak
     You have tormented the respect you seek.
     You have sold your birthright for
     Adultery and fornication and
     I GRIEVE.

     I am God of justice and judgement
     My liberty man have profaned
     I created man in my image and likeness
     Most blessed.
     I dressed man in righteous qualities
     I presented in man seven Heavens
     I gave man my love to share with his help meet
     The woman I laid at his feet. I GRIEVE.
     In the first heaven I placed an anchor
     To hold man firm in MY WILL
     In the second heaven I placed my LIKENESS
     To guide man to victory.
     In the third heaven I place my patience
     To keep man on solid ground.
     In the fourth heaven I placed my comfort
     To direct and chart man steps;
     In the fifth heaven I placed my counsels
     To protect his conscience.                 
     In the sixth heaven I placed my intelligence
     To walk in my footsteps.
     In the seventh heaven I placed my LOVE
     To give to my Creation.

     I made man honourable, he has fallen
     What must I do with man?
     For the sake of the WOMAN
     For the tears of the CHILD
     I will fashion the MAN again
     For MY Names sake
     For My Heaven’s GLORY
     I will rewrite the story and
     Deck man again with My Glory
     But for now,   
     I GRIEVE.

     -  Phyllis Beckford




COMING TEXT ... what next?


We are to "look" only to the LORD
the one that is "Who made heaven and earth"
Jesus did not want the children to "suffer"
but to COME to HIM, that is JESUS
WE WAIT ON THE LORD ..."when in distress TO HIM I CALL,

after dismantling a person ... left with no arms
legs, toes, one is still expected to
extend the right arm of fellowship
and is brutally mocked because of the non appearance of these
"He who gives the lilies clothing. will clothe His children too"
... feed the ravens? He will give His children Bread

in as much as we challenge the banks about the management of small amounts accounts
the Church
must return the investment on the time of ALL CONGREGANTS
listening to sermons, (focus group fees)
volunteer services, building the social acumen of the leadership?
"share investment?" buses for the vulnerable groups to get the church?
Why not NOW?
Why have you closed the doors of the church to christen a Christian
and forget that the Great Grandmothers walked (3 miles) to Coke Methodist Chapel
for ten generations
tithed every week including the proceeds of their will ...
How you rob the needy the right to worship
on soil, grounds, graves, manses that they have paid the costs to maintain
for centuries?

"I dare not trust the sweetest frame" ... "all other ground is sinking sand"

could we just listen to the music?
the text of those old fashion tunes
put it on top of the boom box
the dancehall, DJ

it is a beautiful day
when humans do not answer your call
do not understand your obvious need for food, shelter, clothing
their eyes blind to nakedness
this is the day of victory
when you lean on Jesus name
and trust only in the mighty Hand of God!

- Elizabeth Wilkinson





What am I doing here he asks
Why didn’t I control my anger
What is the next step to do fast
I will get on my knees to the Father

I try to laugh but end with a sigh
How will I get out of the dungeon
When everyone in here is in a fright
And we hope they will treat us to a luncheon.

Once there is life there is hope
God gave me another day so I will sing
I look at the bars and think of dope
God is merciful to me so yeah I will sing, sing, sing.

- Hortense Francis


The Vision 


I had a vision last night

It came to me in the drenching heat of the night
I was standing on a podium
Decorated with roses and valances
Bright colours highlighted the evening
My hands trembled as nervousness
Rocked my entire being
And I looked out to my audience
Making sure am well seen
They eagerly await synapses of my perseverance,
Resilience and determination
It was a vision in which I motivate a nation

I had a vision last night
It was the second vision of a spent night
The straps of my stilettos bit in my skin
And my thighs felts a crunching sting from within
But with a smile on my face I dismissed the pain
And stride in my stilettos again and again
Conducting inspection on my newly built factory
Regulating production as it should be
Yes, in this vision I was the boss
Self-actualized and proud, I felt no longer lost
I had a vision this morning
It told me to wake up, my future is calling
The voices formed a choir, soprano’s chanted success
Hundreds of lips, whispering prayer
Appealing for me to do my best
A candle in the wind says ‘slumber no more’
So I opened my eyes and rose to the core
And Like a bird relief of a broken wing
I rise…..
Like a panther calculating its prey in its moment of slay
I strive…….
Like a confident warrior victorious after battle
I survive…..
And whatever I dream I plan to achieve.

- C. Shelleka Ellis


My Mirror!

I stand before my mirror
I search for an omission
I stand before my reflection
It is time for my confession

I am a lost soul searching for a truth that defines me
Searching for my purpose, really searching to find me
I know not who I am
Who am I?

All I know is

I cover my fears in make-up
I cover my hurts in garments
I cover my wounds with counterfeit laughter
It is time for my confession

I wake up at times wishing my nights were longer
I go to bed at nights terrified of another day to go under
I pretend in the greatest crowds to be the perfect soul
But I am drowning within wondering if I will be like this until I am old

I walk around with a painted smile to attract people to call friends
But the friends I was given saw right through and saw none of my pretence
No one saw the life I was taking on my shoulders and ran to my rescue
So heavy it is as the days grow and my heart becomes colder and I became a statue

Am I the only one who needs to sit in a confessional booth?
Am I the only one who needs to open lies, utter truth?
I wonder at every second I breathe if healing is real
As the pain inside intensifies as time runs, it is what I feel

I stand before my mirror
I search for an omission
I stand before my reflection
I deride this confession

- Kesihanna McKenzie