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Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 shows character, story

Published:Saturday | May 6, 2017 | 12:00 AMDamian Levy
The Marvel cinematic universe continues to expand in ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2’.

In many ways, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is much like its predecessor. It follows a band of self-centred ne'er do wells, in the unexpected position of having to care about something other than themselves. Complete with yet another soundtrack chock-full of '70s and 80s pop hits, and an even cuter talking tree, this bombastic sequel might seem like more of the same, but is a much different animal in its own right.

Fear not! This still remains a series that gleefully includes a talking raccoon with a violent penchant for destruction. The difference lies in Volume 2's structure. The first film featured colourful characters that shone through a played and conventional storyline. This time around, the story is left even more by the wayside, as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, spends more time with the characters you originally fell in love with.




There is a story to be told. Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, finally is reunited with his long-lost father and finds himself at a crossroads as he must choose between the family he never knew and the family he chose. Even the basic conflict of the film, usually separated from the characters themselves, is extremely character driven.

The characters are engaging, and make an unconventional structure such as this work. Still, the film can feel uneven at times, as without a central motivating plot, many moments are left lacking momentum. Guardians of The Galaxy Vol 2 has multiple scenes of characters exploring what makes them tick, but without much reason as to why they're doing it.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is a refreshing superhero movie. It takes the spotlight and aims it squarely at its characters. While some shine a little brighter than others, the ensemble is still captivating. It's humour is constant and its strong character work makes the movie's more emotional beats hit strong. It definitely deserves being seen on the big screen.