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Keisha Bailey jump-starting profits - 17-year finance vet aims to help others create generational wealth

Published:Monday | February 1, 2021 | 12:20 PMKhanique McDaniel/Flair Writer
Keisha Bailey took her foundation in finance from Jamaica to Canada where she is now a money manager at a large financial institution in Toronto, Ontario.
Keisha Bailey took her foundation in finance from Jamaica to Canada where she is now a money manager at a large financial institution in Toronto, Ontario.

Growing up in August Town, St Andrew, love and laughs were plenty for Keisha Bailey, but so was her innate nature for more.

As such, it came as no surprise when the 36-year-old took her foundation in finance from Jamaica to Canada where she is now a money manager at a large financial institution in Toronto, Ontario.

Now the 17-year finance veteran wants to use her years of experience and knowledge to take you from where you are to where you need to be financially. Read how here.