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JDF corporal found dead along Palisadoes road

Published:Wednesday | July 31, 2024 | 12:09 AMAndre Williams/Staff Reporter
Investigators from the Jamaica Constabulary Force process the scene along the Palisadoes strip where 30-year-old armyman Sekou Medder was found dead in a service vehicle on Monday morning.
Investigators from the Jamaica Constabulary Force process the scene along the Palisadoes strip where 30-year-old armyman Sekou Medder was found dead in a service vehicle on Monday morning.

The Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) soldier who was found dead in a service vehicle parked along the Palisadoes road in Kingston on Tuesday morning has been identified as 30-year-old Corporal Sekou Medder.

In a statement, the JDF said it was saddened by the tragic loss and that every effort was being made to provide support and counselling to Medder’s family and the service members who were close to him.

Major Kayzon Gunzell, public relations officer for the army, said the JDF was collaborating with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), which is also probing the incident.

Some time after 8 a.m., Medder was found, in his blood-soaked uniform, suffering from what appeared to be a gunshot wound and with a pistol between his hands in his lap.

He was seated behind the wheel of the vehicle.

Preliminary reports from the police indicated the soldier’s death was being investigated as a possible suicide.

However, photos of the crime scene that made their way into the public domain have raised suspicions that there may be more to his death.

Medder appeared to have markings on his right wrist.

Allegations have also surfaced that the soldier was under investigation for a sex crime against a minor.

The Gleaner understands that a report was made against Medder on or about July 29, on the last occasion he is alleged to have assaulted his accuser, who is reportedly 12 years old.

A previous incident allegedly occurred July 21.

The Gleaner made several calls to Deputy Superintendent of Police Radcliff Gordon, who is holding for Senior Superintendent of Police Maldria Jones-Williams, who is in charge at the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA).

Several calls to his cell phone went unanswered and a phone call was not returned up to press time.

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