Sat | Aug 31, 2024

Commonwealth should monitor Zimbabwe elections

Published:Wednesday | July 6, 2022 | 12:05 AM


It is so heartbreaking that corruption in Zimbabwe has reached alarming levels. The recent audit of COVID-19 funds shows that the monies were squandered and the targeted beneficiaries, the vulnerable groups, never received anything.

Likewise, the education system is in the graveyard. It has come to a point that in many cases, parents have to dig into their pockets to pay teachers.

It is even sad that war veterans and pensioners have been reduced to beggars. Hospitals have become death traps. Pregnant women who go to the hospitals to give birth are being asked to buy supplies before they can been registered and admitted to give birth.

Failure is written everywhere in Zimbabwe, and it is about time we bring this to an end and fix the situation. For Zimbabwe to change, this there should be free and fair elections; and to ensure that free and fair elections are held, the Commonwealth Secretariat should get actively involved and monitor the process. If this is left to the current powers that be, there is a fair chance of rigging of the elections, harassment and even possible fatal attacks on opposition supporters.


Swindon, UK