Sat | Sep 14, 2024

Celebrating Church Teachers’ College

Published:Friday | August 30, 2024 | 12:06 AM


In 1965, I went to Church Teachers’ College (CTC) as a member of the Batch 1 pioneers. This was a two-year programme followed by one year of supervised internship. I was elected by my peers to serve as female president, and was re-elected for the second year.

Our principal, R. Gerallt Jones, was recruited from Wales to establish the college and prepare teachers to teach in both secondary and elementary schools. Mr Jones was a model of leadership excellence.

He wanted us to take responsibility for establishing the values, goals and directions of the college, and to resolve issues among ourselves – even imposing consequences if rules were infringed.

We learnt attitudes, skills, behavioural empowerment and dispositions which are now described as 21st-century skills.

The faculty wanted us to become critical thinkers, analytical decision-makers, empathetic listeners, pragmatic problem-solvers, resilient professionals and engaged citizens.

In retrospect, we were nurtured in a very progressive environment.

Many of my current conceptualisations and insights about effective leadership were developed at CTC. The pivotal role played by vice-principal Deaconess Winnie Bolle, an exceptional leader and administrator, helped to establish a solid foundation for the college.

The founding lecturers were equally impressive. Employees who worked at all levels of the college must also share in the success they helped to create.

At CTC, I learnt to:

• Ensure that children are at the centre of all that we do as education professionals;

• Develop and foster a love of learning in yourself and in the students we serve;

• Eschew authoritarianism and, instead, develop a humane and collaborative leadership style;

• Develop a strong work ethic, service excellence, resourcefulness and creativity;

• Adopt an enduring commitment to human rights and inclusion;

• Recognise that effective leaders possess robust interpersonal skills and political acumen;

• Be a result-oriented change agent whose actions have measurable impacts;

• Demonstrate self-confidence, grit, determination, authenticity, and other character attributes; and

• Model firmness of purpose and resolve to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

Church graduates have an indomitable spirit, imbued with the qualities of integrity and optimism. CTC equipped us with the attributes to be successful anywhere in the world. We make a difference at home or abroad. We are solution finders, innovators, problem-solvers, community developers and character builders.

We enhance the life chances of the students in our care. As global ambassadors for the values and ethics learnt at CTC, we believe that excellence and equity are inextricably intertwined. We love our country and strive to give back, lifting others as we climb.

Happy 60th anniversary!


First Female President (Batch 1)