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Letter of the Day | Make it easy to acquire firearms

Published:Friday | September 23, 2022 | 12:06 AM


I am writing with reference to the unfortunate shooting incident during a football match in Spring Village, Old Harbour on Sunday afternoon. It seems to me that the way to stop this type of crime is to make it easier for law-abiding citizens to own and carry firearms. The criminals who alighted from their motor vehicles, started shooting, killing three people and injuring six other spectators at this football match, did so in the almost certain knowledge that they would not be challenged by any persons in the crowd and gunfire would not be returned.

To state the obvious, the criminals as we are aware, seem to have no difficulty acquiring illegal weapons and certainly do not apply to the authorities for firearms licences.

If the cowardly criminals who carried out this act at the football ball match felt that members of the crowd in attendance had weapons and could return the fire they would not even have attempted their dastardly act.