Sat | Sep 14, 2024

All fake outrage, hypocrisy, and deception

Published:Thursday | May 30, 2024 | 8:43 AM


I am compelled to respond to The Gleaner article titled ‘To thine own self be true’ by Minister Daryl Vaz, which further perpetuates misinformation and baseless accusations against Opposition Leader Mark Golding. Minister Vaz’s narrative, laced with misleading statements and divisive rhetoric, aims to distract from the real issues facing our nation and undermines the integrity of our democratic processes.

First, Minister Vaz’s attempt to paint Mark Golding’s British citizenship as a disqualifying factor is both false and hypocritical. The Constitution of Jamaica specifically permits dual citizenship for parliamentarians from Commonwealth countries, and Mark Golding has always been transparent about his heritage. His commitment to Jamaica is unquestionable, as evidenced by his extensive public service and unwavering dedication to the Jamaican people. Golding’s acknowledgement of our colonial past and his advocacy for Jamaica to fully decolonise demonstrate his deep understanding of our history and his vision for a sovereign future. To suggest otherwise is deliberate obfuscation.


The PNP has always advocated for a comprehensive approach to constitutional reform, including full decolonisation by the removal of the British monarch as Jamaica’s head of state and the adoption of the Caribbean Court of Justice as our final court of appeal. Mark Golding’s consistent stance on these matters reflects the PNP’s commitment to true sovereignty and self-determination for Jamaica.

The PNP has never shied away from addressing issues of dual citizenship within our ranks and has always acted within the framework of the law.

The same cannot be said for the Jamaica Labour Party, which, for years after the 2007 election, hid the fact that about five or six of their MPs (including Vaz, Mair, Warmington, Stern and Shahine) were non-Commonwealth citizens and ineligible to sit in Parliament. They revealed this unconstitutional violation one at a time, strategically timing individual by-elections to ensure they did not lose their slim parliamentary majority, and at great cost to taxpayers. This is all fake outrage, hypocrisy, and deception.


The real issue here is not Mark Golding’s citizenship, which is fully in keeping with the Constitution of Jamaica, but rather the Government’s failure to address critical concerns about data privacy and the misuse of personal information. Minister Vaz’s cavalier misuse of the personal data and privacy of a Jamaican citizen who is a public figure, is dangerous and offensive in an era when these issues are more concerning than ever. His politically motivated actions evidence a contemptuous disregard for data security at a time when the Government has introduced the Data Protection Act, and belittles the privacy rights in our Constitution.

The information commissioner must launch a thorough and immediate investigation into this serious breach of confidentiality and privacy within the Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I am confident that the public will recognise the true intent behind Minister Vaz’s attacks. The PNP stands with Mark Golding and the Jamaican people in the fight for justice, integrity, and a brighter future for our nation.


Spokesperson for Information and Public Communication

People's National Party