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5 Creative ways To propose on World Proposal Day

Published:Thursday | February 8, 2018 | 12:00 AMRocheda Bartley

It cannot be overstated how important it is to get a proposal right. The setting must be perfect, and many women will agree that the ring should sparkle. It’s one of the most memorable moments in a couple’s life, especially when it’s done right. And that means being unique. 

There are many creative ways you can propose to the love of your life, and so today —  World Proposal Day — here's your guide to making the best proposal.

1. Play a trivia game — Proposing with a trivia game is innovative.  You could start by asking your partner a few interesting and exciting questions to set the mood. Get your future bride to be relaxed. And when you’re both comfortable, calmly pop the big question.

2. Take her to where you had your first date — This location would be very sentimental to you both, and you can take a few minutes to reminisce on how far you've both come since the day you met. This will get her thinking of how much you’re both worth to each other.

3. Cook her dinner — Asking for your partner's hand in marriage over a good meal,  especially when you’re the chef, is superb. If you have never cooked for her, this is your perfect opportunity to thrill her with your culinary skills and the big question.

4. Hide the ring in the pillow case — The bed is one of the most sacred places in the home, and is also a perfect place for you to plight your troth. Strategically place the ring inside a pillow case where she will feel it.  This way you’ll get her to pull it out and when she does, ask her the one question she wasn’t expecting, ‘Will you marry me?’

5. Newspaper ad — If your partner is an avid newspaper reader, here’s an unconventional and surprising way for you to ask her to spend the rest of her life with you. A colourful ad with a paragraph or two expressing how much you love her and can’t live without her will surely get her to say yes.