Mother considering suing gov't over baby death at UHWI
A mother whose child died this month reportedly as a result of a bacteria outbreak at the University Hospital of the West Indies in St Andrew, says she is considering legal action.
The mother, whose name is being withheld said her baby died while on antibacterial treatment, almost two months after being born.
The child who was premature had been admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The mother said health practitioners had failed to inform her that there was an outbreak at the hospital which could have affected her child.
But she said she knew something was wrong when she saw doctors and other health practitioners gathered around her baby.
"Based on how I saw all the doctors and nurses surrounding the baby — I have been there for seven weeks and I saw so many babies die — I knew that we were at the end," she said.
The mother said it was only at that time that medical officials were telling her that they trying to contain an infection at the facility.