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Domestic helper who stole $15M from Jacuzzi remanded until next year

Published:Sunday | October 21, 2018 | 12:00 AMRasbert Turner/ Gleaner Writer

A St Catherine domestic helper, who allegedly stole $15 million from a Jacuzzi tub at the home of her employer, has been bound over to reappear in the St Catherine Parish Court on February 21, 2019.

Answering to a charge of larceny is Yvonne Pitt of Spanish Town, St Catherine.

When the matter was mentioned before Senior Parish Judge Tara Reid-Carr, the accused was bound over until next year.

The allegations are that in February 2018, the complainant who is a 'Spiritual Leader', claimed he securely locked the money in its hiding spot and left the island.

Upon his returned in May, he realised that the money was missing. He related the matter to the accused,who also went missing.

The matter was reported to the police and an investigation launched.

A file was compiled and sent to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, which ruled that Pitt should answer to a charge of larceny.

When she appeared in court, she told the judge that she did not have legal representation and couldn't afford one.

The court assigned attorney-at-law John-Mark Hamilton to represent her.

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