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Diary of a Ghetto Priest | He will come again! Happy and holy Christmas!

Published:Thursday | December 20, 2018 | 12:00 AMFr Richard Ho Lung
Father Ho Lung and friends performing The Parables at the Little Theatre.

What is happening? If you live within your heart, if you are an inner person, if you listen to the voice within your soul you will hear and you will know that there is a second coming!

It is true. There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, there will be the anguish of nations, there will be roaring of the sea and waves. People will faint with fear at the mere thought of what is to come upon the world. The entire universe will be shaken as with an earthquake. At that time, brothers and sisters, they will see Jesus, the Son of God, coming with power and great glory.

Is this a lie? Is it a fairy tale? Is it just mythology? Either this is all empty talk and promises, or for real. Is Jesus a liar? It can happen, but only once. There are these signs of the times happening year after year! But there will be that one momentous occasion. We do not know the day nor the hour. Not even Jesus knows the day nor the hour. Only the Father knows the day and the hour. It is coming! It is coming! Expect it and prepare, for your deliverance is near.

As your priest, as your messenger, as one who loves you to the end, believe me. It will be fearsome, it will be dark, there will be no more sun, moon, or stars. There will be only one great light that is Jesus Christ the Lord. He will come to the earth, and it will be great.

In the meantime, let us practise the beatitudes. Come and visit Missionaries of the Poor at our centres. Call us at 876-948-6173. Come with us to visit the homeless children, the lonely men and women, the elderly who have no one to visit them.

These are the dumb, the blind, the lame, the crippled, and many with other infirmities. We Missionaries of the Poor love them, but they also need your love. Bring Jesus to them with your own lives. Suddenly, you will see tears turned to laughter and blind people lighting up with bright eyes, those who weep will hug you and be filled with joy.




Jesus himself said, "I am filled with compassion for these people."

Prepare the coming of the Lord. Last Friday, we visited the prison for women at South Camp Road. We laughed, we joked, we played games. We read the scriptures, we baptised a two-month-old baby, we gave thanks and praise to God. We rejoiced. What happiness. What joy. What peace.

Today, we go to the Tower Street prison. There are about 1,700 men there. The brothers and our volunteers killed chickens and cooked them all night long. Today, we will share the food and the word of God, give out gifts, visit and counsel the men, and join in fellowship with the wardens and police. Then next Thursday, we go to Spanish Town Prison.

This way, we will be building our house on rock. When He comes, He will find us prepared. And, even if there are earthquakes or tsunamis, we will stand up strong. Our preparations would have been just right. And there will be great joy as we enter into His heavenly kingdom at His second coming!

Blessed and holy Christmas, brothers and sisters. As Jesus says, "As you have believed, so let it be."