Sun | May 5, 2024

Help a neighbour in these trying times

Published:Wednesday | May 4, 2022 | 12:12 AM

Hello mi neighbour! Well, so much has transpired since our last conversation. Of note, several friends and acquaintances fell prey to the unwelcomed visitor, COVID-19. Though left empty-handed, on visiting my home, a few scars remain to tell the story. Scary, wasn’t it? Application of health management protocols and good neighbours, undergirded by prayers, worked wonders. The fight continues, and by God’s grace, we will overcome. Let us continue to do the right things.

The stay-at-home order, safer-at-home-order, movement-control order and lockdown restrictions, etc., were protocols used to help manage the wobbling monster, now trying to regain a foothold. Cannot deny the emotional, psychological and physical strain these risk-management measures brought to bear on Jamaicans. Especially the undisciplined among us, will tell you that the mask wearing, constant handwashing, social distancing and hug denials, etc., were no easy feat. Imagine the sheer pain of a dying grandmother who could not share a hug with a granddaughter and you’ll find something to write home about. With a mere 10 per cent of the world contracting the virus, one shudders at the possible impact on economic and other critical human activities had it been 20 per cent or 30 per cent. Imagining 50 per cent or 70 per cent? Don’t bother!! The over 500 million cases which resulted in over 6 million deaths continue to cause grief in our world.


Even as we breathe a sigh of the relief at the roughly 465 million recoveries to date, let’s not become nonchalant. We are not back to square one. We must remain vigilant for the well-being of ourselves and the man/woman next door. While we are at it, let’s use the lessons learnt from the unfriendly visitor for the “advancement of the welfare whole human race” – to borrow a line from our National Pledge.

So, after all of that, how has it been for you? Hope the virus has left you some positives: healthier, kinder and wiser. In this regard, we have some reactions from neighbours Dianne, Millicent, Derie, George and Allison. See how they accord with yours:

– The discovery of work-from-home, and the resultant reduction in the need for office spaces, is a big plus for some organisations.

– As more people stayed home, family got more attention.

– For many persons, hygiene, health and healthy lifestyle are now a priority.

– Rather than crowding many rediscovered the wisdom of waiting in a line. as the death toll increased, so did the appreciation of one another as people made special effort to stay in touch.

– Thousands of individuals who had not darkened the door of a church in many moons due to home confinement, laziness or just lack of interest, could now “join church” weekly, via a social media platform.

– Some homes that were badly in need of refurbishing got attention. Awesome.

– Children and parents had more time for bonding even though it was a nightmare for some families. Well.

Some of the creative ways families found to entertain themselves are still being utilised as a means of strengthening family bonds.

With the help of technology, there has been an increase in creative expressions and entrepreneurial activities to levels unthinkable, say, four years ago. Even the elderly learnt and adapted to new technologies by which some of them are earning a few more dollars.

And we go on, but we pause to allow you time for reflection and to figure out how you can help someone from list below. Next time.


1. Sandra, St Ann, house was destroyed by fire, lived under tree for three weeks – constructed a one room but needs help to build a bathroom. Girls attending high school.

2. Phyllis, Hanover unemployed – needs board and zinc to build a little house.

3. Neighbour, St Catherine – need of computer to help generate an income.

To help, please call Silton Townsend @ 334-8165, 884-3866, or deposit in acct #351 044 276 NCB. Alternatively, send donations to HELLO NEIGHBOUR c/o 53 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10; Paypal/credit card: email: Contact email: Visit Mr Townsend exclusively manages the collections and distributions mentioned in this column and is neither an employee nor agent of The Gleaner.