Sun | Sep 15, 2024

Opposition parties announce merger ahead of general election

Published:Wednesday | September 4, 2024 | 12:08 AM
Paul Lewis (left) and Donaldson Romeo
Paul Lewis (left) and Donaldson Romeo


Former Premier Donaldson Romeo Monday announced that his National Progressive Movement (NPM) had agreed to a merger with the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) led by Opposition Leader Paul Lewis to contest the October 24 general election.

In a radio broadcast, Romeo, who served as premier from 2014-19, and Lewis said that the merger will be led by Lewis and that the decision to come together “reflects their deep commitment towards unity of purpose, which they consider to be essential to take Montserrat forward.

“By coming together, the parties have seen it in the best interest of Montserrat’s development to pool resources, ideas, and strengths to build the next government that truly represents the desires and aspirations for progress of every resident and citizen of Montserrat.”

They said that the merger under the PDM banner brings together two past presidents of the Montserrat Civil Association; a former premier; a former Speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly; three former ministers ad the outgoing opposition leader.

In addition they said that the politicians will be joined by “skilled entrepreneurs and businessmen that add to the vibrancy of skills, desire and true belief in the future of Montserrat’s promise, to form the next government to move the island forward.

“In these challenging times, PDM is of the view that it is more important than ever to stand united. The People’s Democratic Movement’s vision going into these 2024 General Elections is: “To build a Montserrat where opportunities are accessible to all – fostering boldness, vision, and a people-first approach.

“Our vision includes self-reliance, reducing dependency on the UK, promoting sustainability, prosperity, and social cohesion. This is the future Montserrat we strive for: vibrant, self-sufficient, and inclusive. This merger is PDM’s promise to the people of Montserrat, that the party is dedicated to working together for the common good.”

Earlier this month, the ruling Movement for Change and Prosperity (MCAP) of Premier Joseph E. Taylor-Farrell announced the date for the general election in the British overseas territory. It gave no date for Nomination Day.

Political observers say MCAP is expected to face a strong challenge from the PDM and the United Alliance, headed by former premier, Reuben Meade.

In the November 18, 2019, general election, the MCAP won five of the nine seats, with voters able to vote for up to nine candidates on their ballot paper under plurality-at-large voting.

Candidates must receive at least six per cent of the vote to be elected. If fewer than nine candidates receive more than six per cent of the vote, a second round is held within 21 days.