Sun | Sep 15, 2024

PM Browne encouraged by results of discussions with gang members

Published:Wednesday | September 4, 2024 | 12:08 AM
Prime Minister Gaston Browne (centre with cap) with members of the Grays Farm Killers gang following Monday night’s meeting.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne (centre with cap) with members of the Grays Farm Killers gang following Monday night’s meeting.


Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he is pleased to have followed his intuition to engage with gang members describing the latest round of talks on Monday night as being “productive.

“I am very happy that I followed my intuition to engage them, because it was obvious that these young men needed our help; were yearning for someone to reach out to them. As a society, we have failed them to some extent by not reaching out sooner,” he said.

The meeting with several members of the Grays Farm Killers (GFK) gang follows last week’s deliberations with members of the 2Drilly gang.

During that meeting last Thursday night, Browne called for the warring parties to bring an end to the conflicts and to pursue a pathway of peace, while reinforcing the fact that “as Antiguans and Barbudans, we are one family with a common destiny”.

Following the latest round of talks with the gang members on Monday night, Browne said “the meeting was very productive, with a focus on strategies for rehabilitation, to include the provision of employment and skills building,” Browne said.

The members of the Grays Farm Killers said Monday’s meeting averted further planned gang warfare and violent retaliations between the gangs.

The groups have agreed to meet with other gang members on Thursday in a show of cessation of hostilities.

Browne said there were a number of cold chilling revelations from members of the group with some speaking of their near death experiences.

“In addition to the serious injuries they suffered, several of them dropped out of school at the age of 14 or 15 because of fear of retaliation,” he said, adding that the focus now is to enrol those gang members into various programmes being spearheaded by the state.

Browne said in addition to the truce meeting on Thursday, the gang members will meet on the weekend for a football friendly with the aim to rekindle friendships.

Cabinet has declared Thursday September 12, as a day of prayer.