Throughout the annals of film history there have been many films like The Beekeeper. The Statham-led action revenge story takes a man of few words and even fewer qualms regarding morality. As a former operative in the secret organisation that...
As the Fast and Furious Saga careens towards its finish line, it seems to be getting nostalgic. Beginning with a flashback to the grand old days of 2011, Fast X sets the stage for its revenge ridden ride with a look at the series’ best days past....
The last two years have been tension-filled for cinemas and cinema lovers. We have all watched with bated breath to see the theatres we spent so many summers in weather the storm of stagnant business. Films have been sold on their ability to...
When I first heard about this movie, I’ll admit to thinking it was an odd choice. While I’m not against making a movie about the man behind a pair of tennis titans, he’s not exactly my first choice. Venus and Serena Williams are living legends, and...