Seventeen-year-old Jamaican multi-instrumentalist, Joseph Davis, has been compared to American singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder. His ability to effortlessly deliver impressive vocal arrangements, accompanied by outstanding instrumentation, has set...
Through her infectiously funny character ‘Hilda, di vibes Builda’ singer Alaine Laughton has been showing Jamaica, and the world, that she is entertainment personified. Through short skits uploaded on social media, the multi-talented entertainer...
It has been one year since the global entertainment industry was placed under lockdown following the outbreak of COVID-19. With a ban on large public gatherings still in place for many countries and a new strain of the virus now spreading, it is...
There have been numerous calls in recent times for a global reggae awards show hosted in Jamaica, by Jamaicans. Of course, there is the well-established Jamaica Reggae Industry Association (JaRIA) Honour Awards. Still, over the years, there has...
He was completely stumped by The Sunday Gleaner’s first question because as he put it, describing himself is not something he’s used to. Although there is much to be said about producer extraordinaire Donovan Germain, his humility would not allow...
The National Pantomime was first held in 1941 with Jack and the Beanstalk being its first production. Since then, the annual shows have become a staple on the local theatre scene, and with its Boxing Day grand opening, a formidable connection...
Watching him at work, effortlessly delivering punchline after punchline, one cannot help but be awestruck. There is something utterly captivating about the personality that is Dufton ‘Duffy’ Shepherd. He administers his comedic onslaught with such...