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SUNDAY SAUCE: Of God, terrorists and tyrants

Published:Sunday | October 24, 2010 | 12:00 AM

Oxy Moron, Contributor

Of late, I, Oxy Moron, have been thinking very much about our existence in this unfolding universe, trying to figure out some of the mysteries of life, and wondering why the world is replete with so much evil when there is supposed to be a saviour who allegedly promised to deliver us from all harm.

This belief in a heavenly messiah is the basis of many religions the world over, whose members are navigating different straits towards this saviour, and who believe their paths are the only way. They have a multiplicity of doctrines and dogmas which they claim are his wishes and commandments. But, how can one master have so many conflicting rules?

However, the main doctrine which they seem to have in common is that if we do not worship and praise this lord and master, he's going to judge us on a great day, and those who are found guilty of disobeying his commandments will be cast into a lake of fire to spend eternity with his archrival Satan.

I just can't fathom how an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient saviour sits on high and watches as his archrival rains terror upon his people. He doesn't intervene, doesn't come to rescue us, only insisting that we praise him for giving us life and sending his son to save us from sin.

This seemingly arrogant and vengeful nature of one who is supposed to be loving and forgiving is rather disturbing and contrary. If he had actually told these 'prophets' that he was going to cast 'sinners' into purgatory if they didn't glorify him and obey his commandments, then he would have to be a tyrant, a terrorist, if you will. How different would this make him from all the tyrants and terrorists of history who maimed, imprisoned, killed and massacred those who disobeyed them and refuse to massage their ugly egos?

imaginary saviour

I, Oxy Moron, believe this notion of an angry and overzealous saviour is nothing but the figment of the imagination of man. I'm prepared to say that he didn't tell anyone to bow and worship him. Moreover, I don't believe he told anyone if they refused to keep his commandments and praise him he was going to toss them into hell to burn forever, while he and his angels spend their days drinking milk and honey in heaven.

When did he have this conversation with these men who claimed they were inspired by him? How did this inspiration take place? Why not inspire me? Why not have this conversation with me too? Why go through an intermediary? I mean, I too have a brain. Is it that I'm not worthy? I am convinced that not one man on Earth knows the 'truth'.

So, as I continue to think about the mysteries of our existence, I will also continue to enjoy the celestial beauty of the moon in all its splendour, the millions of twinkling stars over the Blue Mountains at night, the warmth of the golden sun and the dreamlike glow of Negril's sunset, the soothing sounds of river water rushing against rocks, the enchantment of Portland's lush tropical rainforests and idyllic coves, the magic of sparkling Dunn's River Falls, the soft songs of swaying bamboos in a St Thomas river valley, the majestic fog-kissed peaks in the east, and the fantastic white sands of Doctor's Cave Beach.

And I refuse to belief that whoever created all of this infinite beauty is a don, terrorist or tyrant. But, what would make life even more heavenly is a slice of Mama's 'flushy-top' potato pudding. I prefer that to milk and honey any day.