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Letter - Drinking enough water

Published:Wednesday | July 18, 2012 | 12:00 AM

 Hi Ms Woolery,

Read your article on the importance of drinking enough water in The Gleaner of June 20. Just asking some advice here. What period should one make elapse between drinking water and having a meal, and having a meal and drinking water, so as not to disrupt the digestive process?

I have received varying opinions on this.


Richard MacLeod

Dear Mr MacLeod,

This is an interesting question, and there are varying schools of thought on this topic, such as:

1) The consumption of water with meals delays the digestion process by diluting the gastric juices and enzymes.

2) Water with meals lessens the amount of food eaten, hence reducing nutrient and caloric intake.

3) Water with meals causes a person to be full quicker (early satiety).

From the research done, there's no scientific evidence supporting water before or after meals.

Water is a constituent of most foods, requires no digestion, and is absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract (mouth to colon), most occurring in the small intestines and colon. Water absorption is regulated by active electrolyte absorption and follows the absorption of sodium, chloride, potassium, and bicarbonate. Sodium absorption is the most important factor in regulating the absorption of water. Water absorption is dependent on sodium content of meal, length of small intestines — the longer the small intestines, the more fluid and electrolytes are absorbed.

Whether or not water is consumed with meal, it has little or no interference with digestion, as the water will move from the stomach to the small intestines first, leaving the chyme or food ingested that is in the liquid state that is ready to be digested.

When certain conditions are present in a person, it is recommended that solids and liquids not be consumed at the same time. These conditions include nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hyperemesis, and post-gastric surgery.


Marsha Woolery (nutrtitionist)

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