Mon | Sep 23, 2024

Just kill the spider!

Published:Tuesday | March 26, 2013 | 12:00 AM


Laws have been passed against scamming, and there has been much talk of international fallout and loss of international investment. It has been spoken of in the public and private domain. However, what I have not heard much of is the public discourse on how we will deal with the fallout within our borders.

If it is that persons will just be jailed for the crime, what happens after? Where are the discussions on rebuilding? Scamming isn't the root cause, it is the result of our garrisonisation, our tribal lifestyle, a seed of corruption planted long ago by the same ones wanting to 'clean up' the situation now.

Hasn't drug trafficking been a major problem? Marijuana exportation as well? Were those problems adequately dealt with? The same will happen with scamming if the root causes of our nation's problems are not addressed.

Provide meaningful and gainful employment. Educate and train. Stop investing in vehicles and invest in people. If this does not happen, in five years, after scamming has been addressed, we will have another scourge to deal with, maybe far worse than what we have to deal with now.

Stop cleaning out the spider web; just kill the spider.