Tue | Sep 24, 2024

No hate for gays in Love March Movement

Published:Thursday | April 4, 2013 | 12:00 AM


On Tuesday, April 2, 2013, A. Delusia, writing in The Observer, highlighted that the Love March Movement (LMM) says they love all persons yet hate the homosexual lifestyle. In his eyes, the movement is self-contradictory at best, and at worst, it is trying to "cloud its hate".

Notably, the Love March Movement is for sexual purity and, therefore, does not isolate homosexuality from other sexual expressions that deviate from the biblical ideal. If LMM hates the act of fornication, does it hate over 85 per cent of the country that produces children from it? If LMM hates lust, would it, therefore, hate its own members that lust? If disapproving of someone's behaviour is equivalent to hating the person, wouldn't Delusia be guilty of hatred towards the LMM, according to his own logic?


Again, the church and the LMM have always maintained a stance that esteems heterosexual, monogamous marriage, and thus logically disqualifies every other sexual expression as being impure. In doing so, fornication, masturbation, adultery and pornography are also denounced. Yet, how often have people identified themselves as fornicators, masturbators, adulterers or porn watchers? Do persons who have long-standing desires for these behaviours, and who commit these acts, identify themselves innately with these acts? Is watching porn considered an intrinsic part of who someone is, or simply what they do? Has anyone ever heard of an organisation lobbying to get the rest of society to accept adultery as healthy, positive behaviour?


The Love March Movement