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Why is math so important?

Published:Sunday | June 9, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Math is all around us from the smallest task of deciphering what time you need to wake up for school or work, to the price at which you should sell goods in order to make a profit. Even in the kitchen when you are cooking a meal, we sometimes check the recipe to measure or double-check the ratio of ingredients. Setting and checking the timer to ensure the right cooking time or temperature also requires some math skill.

When at the mall looking for an outfit, we use math. Calculating the total with taxes, finding the right size and determining which store has the best sale are all mathematical problems. At a supermarket, we must be able to count money to be sure we receive the correct change.

Saving, spending, and investing money require a fair amount of mathematical knowledge. In order to understand and appreciate the significance of interest rates and calculate compound interest, you need math.

Without it, you may make poor financial choices. Playing the stock market requires math to calculate losses and gains as the value of stocks rises and falls. When purchasing a house, homeowners negotiate mortgage terms based on interest rates and what makes the most financial sense over the long term.

So the skills learned in mathematics are applicable to almost every activity we undertake. But here are the 10 top reasons math is so important:

1. Prepares you for a career.

2. Develops good problem-solving skills.

3. It increases your capacity for analytical thinking.

4. Math is a communication language which also transcends cultural, political, and economic boundaries.

5. You are able to make better arguments.

6. It makes one less gullible. With a good foundation in math, you can decipher certain realities from myths.

7. Math is an integral part of daily life.

8. Math skills increase your speed and accuracy.

9. If you understand math and can read, then you can teach yourself anything.

10. It increases acuity of the mind.