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Jump-start 2014 and start your online or virtual business today!

Published:Sunday | November 24, 2013 | 12:00 AM

Many persons say when they meet me 'I want to be like you when I grow up', and these persons are adults, by the way, so I am not sure how much growing up they will do, but I get what they are trying to say.

They see a difference in me, being able to have my own business, but more so, the flexibility and self-authority that they, too, wished they had. The thing is it doesn't have to be a wish. It can be a reality for anyone who really wants it. I operate in a virtual industry where you can have a business just like any brick-and-mortar establishment, but you operate mainly online and you are not limited to working within your own nation or region; you can have a reach that is global. It is possible.

Those that seem to be attracted to this industry are stay-at-home moms, retirees, those who have been laid off from their 9-to-5, those who have a 9-to-5 and are seeking other sources of income with an extra 2 to 5 hours a day and even those who are seeking a challenge in life to start something new to get their adrenaline pumping.

Many of us do it. Most, from my perspective, are in the United States but VAs or virtual assistants are found everywhere and it is growing every day. In coaching, I find that there are persons I talk to from all over the world who are desirous of transitioning from their 9-5 or want a part-time income to supplement what they do or have been downsized from their job and need to find a way to earn an income to take care of themselves and their family. Many stories are out there and there are many reasons for wanting to take the leap and strike out on your own, whether full-time or part-time.

Some don't have the money to get started, while others do, but this should not deter you. Everyone was at that place at some point in time and they overcame the challenges and are successful now.

While it will be better to have at least some sort of investment to start, for it shows your level of seriousness to invest in yourself and what you believe in, others who don't have it, have to find the creative wherewithal to just make it happen if they really want a change. It just takes a determined and committed spirit to turn things around in your life.

Once you have made the decision that you want a business that allows you those cool benefits, then it is uphill from there. Yes, there will be challenging times, but who in business has a bed full of roses? Sometimes, you get pricked by the thorns when you lie on them, but that's the trick, it's to know how to avoid or manage the pain. The end result is sweet success and the freedom you have always craved.

Starting off on your own requires more. It won't be easy. You can't be the type to easily throw in the towel. You have to know that you're in it for the long haul and to always be focused and keep in mind that reward - freedom and flexibility.

Many VAs operate in the same industries as those in offices such as real estate, legal, administrative, information technology, graphic design, writing, accounting, database management, investigative services, translation, marketing, transcription, research, social media, event planning, and so much more. The thing is you don't even have to call yourself a VA. You can give yourself any title you wish while operating in the virtual industry.

I have coached persons from the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, India, and even the Caribbean, who are seeing success, attracting clients and applying the tips, strategies and how-tos I shared with them in the sessions. I even have a pastor - believe it or not - who started a transcription business! There are people from the US Military whom I have helped to build their confidence, assess their skill set and determine what their competitive advantage is so they can leverage that in their business and marketing strategy. It was only November 7, I was a speaker at a virtual online summit and delivered a presentation on the topic of 'How to Separate Yourself from the Pack'. See for yourself at this link, http://online.ivaa.org/schedule.

So if you are like me, and are searching for more and think that this is an avenue you wish to explore, then consider attending my Pre-2014 Virtual Business Start-Up Tele-class at this link, http://bit.ly/1brxaey and get a jump-start for 2014. It couldn't be a better time for you to act on starting your very own online or virtual business.

Corine La Font is a self-publishing, online marketing, virtual events specialist and consultant. She is also an award-winning publishing resource in the 2013 Small Business Book Awards. Get a copy of her book at http://amzn.to/TFHQka and tune in to her radio programme at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/helpdeskja.