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Accused children in sex assault case yet to appear before court, adult ring leader nabbed

Published:Tuesday | July 21, 2015 | 12:00 AMJovan Johnson, Gleaner Writer

Children's Advocate, Diahann Gordon Harrison, said the children arrested in relation to the video-recorded assault of a 14-year-old girl have still not made a court appearance. 

Yesterday, Commanding Officer for the Trelawny Police, Superintendent Wilfred Campbell, said the police were working to have the underage accused appear before the Children's Court. 

The police want to ask the court whether to continue to remand them. 

Meanwhile, the Children's Advocate says the police have nabbed the adult ring-leader in the assault of the 14-year-old girl. 

This brings to five the number of persons in custody over the incident. 

Charges are yet to be brought against the two adults. 

Harrison has said to avoid any conflict of interest, her office will not be appearing in court for the accused children.

However, she says the office will facilitate a process to get them legal representation.

The video, which shows the attack taking place in Zion in Trelawny, has been circulating on social media.